

Hi, Am a young Hunk Sweet boy Medium, petite with athletic body very tender.I am eager to meet you. I am open minded , willing to give you the best boyfriend experience that will satisfy you, I like extreme diversion and . I will give you Mind Blowing Experience Call me and make all your fantasies come true. I'm sure you'll love the moment when we're going to meet and i promise you it will be unforgettable. In bed I'm a real stud with a big juicy dick 💦 I'm sure you'll be delirious with pleasure. For more information text me on whatsapp for new clients and calls for regular clients.


Outcalls only preferably in hotels,rates per hour from KSh 3600

Languages: English (Fluent) Swahili (Fluent)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 183 cm / 6′0″
Ethnicity: Black
Bust: Medium
Age: 26
Shaved: Partially
Smokes?: No
Hair color: Black
Nationality: Kenyan
Gender: male

Incalls per hour from
(KES) KSh2,600

Outcalls per hour from
(KES) KSh3,600

  • Languages English (Fluent),Swahili (Fluent),French (Basic)
  • Orientation Heterosexual
  • Ethnicity Black
  • Age 28
  • Smokes? No
  • Nationality Kenyan
  • City Nairobi , Kenya
  • Bust Medium
  • Location Buruburu
  • Height 6 ' 1 " / 186 cm
  • Shaved Partially
  • Hair color Black
  • Gender Male

Cabellino is hot Kenyan Male escort from Buruburu in Nairobi Kenya. she is available for in-calls and outcalls at all times. Hook up with Cabellino today.

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